Grapefruit Diet – Weight Loss Diet
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The Grapefruit Diet for Weight Loss:
The grapefruit diet is based on the idea that eating lots of ‘fat-burning’ grapefruit can help to jump-start your metabolism. This diet is suggested for only 12 days at a time.
When followed correctly you can lose up to 10 lbs. After completing 12 days of the diet, you must take at least 2 days off before starting it again.
There are several different grapefruit diet plan versions available, but the principle behind each of the plans is the same — eat half a grapefruit before each meal, to reap the benefits of the fat-burning enzymes.
Calorie intake during the diet is limited to not more than 800 calories per day.
The best part about the grapefruit diet plan is you will not be required to be on a starvation diet. You will be enjoying normal meals at regular mealtimes, with only the simple addition of half a grapefruit before each meal.
The diet, however, does not allow complex carbohydrates. Any and all vegetables are encouraged — and yes, you are allowed to use butter on them. Coffee, tea and water are the beverages of choice in this diet, as well as grapefruit juice.
As with any diet, be sure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day.
Suggested Menu:
1/2 grapefruit (or 8oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice)
2 eggs prepared any way you like
2 strips of bacon
1/2 grapefruit (or 8oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice)
meat or chicken .. any style (remove skin from chicken)
small salad
1/2 grapefruit (or 8oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice)
dinner salad
meat or fish .. any style
8oz. glass of tomato juice or 8oz. glass of non-fat milk