5 Day Miracle Diet for Weight Loss
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The Original 5 Day Miracle Diet:
The 5 Day Miracle Diet depends on two factors: the time of day you eat and the types of foods you eat. These are the contributors to blood sugar spikes throughout the day, which forces people to binge eat.
Controlling blood sugar is crucial and makes one less likely to reach for some chocolate or a donut. By getting rid of these cravings, the overwhelming desires for starch, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and fat will slowly disappear.
On this diet, you must eat within 30 minutes of getting out of bed. Breakfast should be a starchy food such as egg whites or wheat toast. Consume a “hard chew” snack like apples or celery within two hours after breakfast. Before 1:00 pm enjoy a lunch consisting of one serving of protein and one serving of vegetables, but no carbohydrates.
Your afternoon snacks may be a hard chew or soft chew, from a fruit high in sugar. For dinner, your meal should consist of proteins and vegetables. The 5-Day Miracle Diet allows only very minimal consumption of whole grains and starchy vegetables — with beans or potatoes on alternating days.
Egg whites, chicken breast, turkey, celery, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, peppers, apples and oranges, cantaloupe and strawberries.
There are some strict rules for using the 5 Day Miracle Diet.
To list a few:
- You have to eat within a half hour after you wake up, unless you are exercising
- You must switch between hard chew and soft chew snacks during the day between meal times
- Lunch must be consumed prior to 1:00 pm
- Dinner must be consumed no later than 7:00 pm
- Afternoon snacks must be spaced no more than three hours apart
- Each meal should be followed by 30 minutes of walking or stretching
- Yogurt, bananas, and bagels are completely off limits
This diet is somewhat restrictive, requiring the elimination of a large variety of foods. These types of weight loss plans often result in rebound weight gain once the dieter resumes a more balanced diet.
This diet is very low in calories — and does not provide you the essential nutrients to maintain optimal health. Like many other weight loss “miracles” that promise a quick fix, the 5 Day Miracle Diet is one that could possibly be hazardous to your health if continued over long periods of time.
Be sure to follow it for 5 days ONLY!