Cabbage Soup Diet for Weight Loss

Cabbage Soup Diet

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The Original Cabbage Soup Diet:

PLEASE NOTE: The Cabbage Soup Diet is a high fiber, low fat diet. You can eat as much cabbage soup as you want each day.  However, it is only meant as a 7 day diet and should not be used for longer periods of time.

DAY 1:
Cabbage soup, eat all the fruit you want with the exception of bananas. You may drink only water, cranberry juice, or unsweetened teas.

DAY 2:
Cabbage soup, eat all the fresh vegetables you want. Green leafy vegetables are best and do not eat dry beans, corn or peas. With your dinner you may eat a baked potato with butter. Do not eat any type of fruit today. Drink 8 glasses of water.

DAY 3:
You can eat anything from day 1 and 2, with the exception of the baked potato.
Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water.

DAY 4:
Cabbage soup, eat up to 8 bananas and drink all the non-fat milk you want.
Remember to continue drinking your 8 glasses of water.

DAY 5:
Eat your soup at least one time during this day. Eat 10 to 20 ounces of beef and as many as 6 fresh tomatoes. You can eat baked or broiled chicken in place of the beef, but be sure you remove the skin from the chicken. Drink your 8 glasses of water.

DAY 6:
Eat your soup at least once this day. You can eat as much beef and vegetables as you want. Leafy green vegetables are best — no baked potato. (You can substitute broiled fish for the beef on either day 5 or 6 but not both). Drink 8 glasses of water.

DAY 7:
Eat your soup at least once today. Eat brown rice and vegetables. Drink unsweetened fruit juices. Eat as much as you want and don’t let yourself get hungry! Drink 8 glasses of water.

Keep in mind the Cabbage Soup Diet is only a 7 day diet. It may be difficult to stay on track due to the lack of variety of foods you are able to eat and the side effects that may occur. Since it is only a 7 day diet, however, the chances of success are much higher.

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