Lose Fat Fast with These 6 Nutrition Steps

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Let’s Eliminate All the Confusion About Weight Loss:
As you know, there are so many guidelines and rules on what to eat, and so much conflicting information as to how to lose fat fast. It can definitely be difficult to figure out what really works and which methods are leading you down the wrong path.
I think it’s time to sort this out once and for all, and share with you my simple 6-step eating strategy for great weight loss and health. You’ll be relieved to know there is NO calorie counting, NO weighing food, and NO need to starve yourself or totally eliminate the foods you love.
1 – Start Every Day with a Great Breakfast:
When you wake up your body has been in a fasted state for many hours. This means that your metabolism has been lowered, and thus your body is in a less fat-burning mode.
The perfect remedy to this is to start your day with a good amount of fiber-containing carbohydrates, some protein and some healthy fat. This will keep you satisfied and leave you burning energy slowly over the next few hours until it is time to eat again.
However, if you wake up and only eat a small breakfast that is not satiating, such as a small bowl of cereal, or a cup of tea and a muffin, then you may suffer hunger pangs not long after as you will still be low on energy.
Again, as previously mentioned, these hunger pangs should be avoided at all costs! It is likely that you will become hungry and crave sugary snacks such as another muffin or a chocolate bar.
This puts you into a vicious cycle, since this short term energy will again run out in a short time, leading you to crave even more un-healthy snacks! This accumulates your calorie intake faster than you might think, and actually slows down your body’s rate of fat-burning.
In short, kick start the day with a good breakfast that will keep you full with plenty of energy, and keep you free from hunger pangs and cravings. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, especially if you want to keep those pounds coming off!
2 – Lose Fat Fast When You Eat Less and More Often:
Studies and research have found that if you spread your daily calorie intake out over smaller, more frequent meals you are more likely to lose fat.
This is because when your body has a constant supply of nutrients coming in every 3-4 hours, your metabolism remains elevated throughout the entire day. Your metabolism refers to the amount of calories your body burns each day in order to carry out basic functions such as digestion, breathing, and repairing your muscles. Whenever you eat your body must burn calories in order to digest that food, thus raising your metabolism.
Here are some results from studies carried out:
One study showed that those who ate 6 meals per day lost more fat than those who ate 2 meals per day, even though both ate the same amount of calories. (Farshchi et al, 2004)
Another study showed that when a group of adults who were accustomed to eating 4 meals per day switched to 3 meals per day, they gained weight and body fat, despite the number of total calories being the same. (Louis-Sylvestre et al, 2003)
Eating frequent but smaller meals is the direct opposite of what many people do when they wish to lose weight – skip meals! Skipping meals and eating less frequently leads to your metabolism slowing down. Your body thinks it is being starved, and as a survival mechanism it will instead start holding on to your fat for dear life!
It is recommended that you eat your 3 main meals each day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and also include healthy snacks inbetween these meals to keep your metabolism burning fat all day long.
A few pieces of fruit, or a handful of nuts make a delicious and healthy snack.
3 – Eliminate Sugars and Processed Foods from Your Diet:
The best change you could possibly make to your eating plan is to reduce (or eliminate altogether) sugars and processed foods.
Processed foods are undoubtedly the biggest culprit of the obesity epidemic we see today. My cousin is a nutritionist. She always advises shopping only around the outside walls of the grocery store. This is where you will find the healthiest foods.
Get your fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh deli meats (turkey and roast beef), and your dairy items. Some frozen foods are not bad.. such as frozen vegetables. But, stay away from all the canned and processed foods in the main aisles of the grocery store.
These foods have been stripped of any natural goodness they may have once had, and have non-natural additives put into them by food companies who care a lot more about their profits than they do about your health! These additives are things that will make you gain weight, make your skin appear dull and make you look and feel older than you are.
Your body does not recognize many of the artificial ingredients in these foods and so finds it more difficult to burn them for energy. Instead these foods end up dumped on your waistline as fat.
Another problem is that most of these foods are laden with sugar, which causes you to have cravings before your next meal. It is widely believed that this snacking from hunger pangs is the biggest reason why most people do not reach their weight loss goals.
Lastly, by cutting out these processed foods which are high in calories and low in nutrients, you will have to instead rely on more beneficial foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to make up your nutrient intake.
4 – Lose Fat Fast by Drinking Plenty of Water:
Drink more water and cut down on calorie-containing drinks. Not many people appreciate the importance of drinking plenty of water. But, when you are trying to lose weight dehydration can be your worst enemy!
This is because when you are dehydrated, your exercise performance and recovery is affected, as you are unable to exercise to your full potential. Not only that, but dehydration also leads to fatigue and stress – both of which lower your metabolism. This means you will be burning fewer calories each day, and therefore your body will be holding on to fat.
Another interesting fact is that if you do not drink enough water, your body will hold on to whatever water it currently has, and it will become very hard to shift. This is similar to the effect of starving your body of food.. your body will react in the opposite manner and hold on to fat.
Therefore, the more water you drink, the more water will be flushed out of your system. Think of water as a flushing tool that helps get rid of waste and fat in your body.
To ensure you are well hydrated, your pee should be clear, and you should drink water before you feel thirsty. If you are thirsty it is likely that you may already be dehydrated.
To get enough water, simply have a glass of water with each meal, one glass when you wake up, and one small glass before bed. The first thing I do every morning is take my vitamins and drink one 16oz. bottle of water before I do anything else.
As for the calorie-containing beverages such as soda and alcohol, keep these to a minimum. These drinks will only add to your total calorie intake and without adding any real health benefits.
Drink tea and coffee at a minimum (two cups per day maximum) and limit alcohol to a small number of units per week if you really want to see good results and be fitter and healthier.
5 – Eat Fruit and Vegetables Throughout the Day:
To be healthy and lose fat you should aim to eat as many fresh fruit and vegetables as possible throughout the day. These foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber, which prevents hunger pangs later in the day.
The vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegetables may be of even greater importance. These elements act as anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants work to prevent your body cells from decay, and also help flush out harmful molecules that may lead to cell damage, and possible cancer.
A great idea is to include a fruit or vegetable source at every meal, including breakfast. This will ensure that you are getting a good amount of portions (assuming you are eating little and often, as explained in step 2). Eating vegetables and/or fruit at each meal will also make sure you are being filled up with the least amount of calories.
6 – Eat Lean Proteins Throughout the Day to Lose Fat Fast:
Protein is an essential nutrient that gives us many health and fitness benefits. However, not many people know that protein is also a very important nutrient for successful weight loss.
Firstly, protein is very satiating, meaning that a small amount will leave you satisfied and give you plenty of energy. This is quite similar to the effects of natural carbohydrates that contain fiber. So as you can probably guess by now, eating more protein will prevent you from having those dastardly hunger pangs and cravings for sweet snacks!
Another benefit of protein, which is the most commonly known, is that it helps rebuild your body after a bout of hard exercise. Protein repairs your muscles and decreases that soreness you may get after a tough metabolic training session.
In Summary:
There you have it! Get these 6 steps down and you’ll be well on your way to losing weight, and feeling fit and fabulous.